Sunday, July 12, 2015

July 9, 2015

Going strong.  What a blessing to have a group here!  The English teachers are doing an amazing job with the students.  Walls are filled with vocabulary and students are receiving lots of individualized attention.  Today, Jim, had a Bible study one-on-on with Omar for the entire class and I was able to study with a lady, Elsa, who has family in the States.  Dwaine went out door-knocking for the morning and renewed some contacts that were made earlier.  We had a big crowd for lunch.  The location for English class is working great with lots of room for both class and fellowship.  For the afternoon, Dwaine stayed with the English students and I went door-knocking.  Those who are going to the seminars study at Sister Regina’s house to prepare.  An earlier contact had been made with a young couple with two small children. The man had fallen from a tree and broken his right leg really badly, he was in a coma for 7 hrs.,  so we headed back to visit them again.  I, Dwaine, went out with Fernando in the morning and we had all decided to try to go back over some of the same streets we had already covered.  We did not have too much response but we did go to one house were a worker came to the door and we ended up talking with him for about an hour.  He was a JW and he had lived in the states for several years but was El Salvadoran so he spoke English well and of course Spanish.  I was showing him passages in English because my Bible had English and Spanish and Fernando kept looking up and sharing passages in Spanish.   I told him he needed to get a Bible that was not written by the JW’s and compare it to the Bible they had.  Then I remembered David had given Fernando one of the new Bibles that were brought down by the group so we gave him that one and I told Fernando he could have another when we got back.  The man said he knew there were differences and I asked him to think why were there differences and what the importance of that was.  As we left I told Fernando I could not help but think of how we had turned the tables, Two Christians at the door talking to a JW.  When we got back I gave Fernando another Bible.  In the afternoon his son, also Fernando, said he would like to have a Bible also.  I said we had given his dad one and that he should ask to borrow it.  He said ok but then I asked if his dad spoke much English and he said only a little so I told him he should asked his dad to give him the Bible and just borrow it from him if he really ever needed English.  When Charlotte got back from door knocking we gathered up the food that was left over and she and I took it to the home of the man with the broken leg and I got to meet them.  We only visited for a few minutes and had a prayer but they were very appreciative.  The evening service at Regina’s was great.  James Mosley spoke more on the Holy Spirit and kind of took up where Clifton left off.  We had 3 visitors.  We have had good numbers at the evening services and it has been really good that we had them.  After the service Bro. Ricardo Bermudas brought by 10 bags of food that the group bought for us to get to distribute to people who most need them.  After that we went to the little Italian restaurant that Charlotte and I had checked out and had our first late dinner.  The food was good and we had fun.  We took Pedrito and he said that was his first time to ever eat in a restaurant, well he is only 13.  Then we dropped him back off and hit the road home. 

Lettuce and Tomato for Jim!!!

Getting Ready to head out.

Clifton and Fernando!  

English Classes

English Classes

English Classes

Bunny in the wild.....someone's dinner?

Rodney hard at work.....

Getting ready for service.

Cesar leading singing.

Dinner time

Pedro, great brother.

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